Aim to make at least half of your grains whole grains. Look for the words "100% whole grain" or "100% whole wheat" on the food label. Whole grains provide more nutrients, like fiber, than refined grains.
Focus on whole fruits by chosing whole fruits more often than fruit juice. Fresh, frozen, canned, dried, and pureed fruit all count. Chose options that have little or no added sugars.
Vary your protein rutine! Try unsalted nuts or seeds, seafood, beans, peas, meat. polutry, eggs, and soy products.
Brighten your plate with vegetables that are red, orange, and dark green. They are full of vitamins and minerals. Try squash, tomatoes, peppers, or collard greens. They not only taste great but are for you, too!
What's included in the Diary group? The dairy group includes milk, yogurt, cheese, and fortified soy beverages (soymilk). They provide nutrients you need including- calcium, vitamin D, potassium, protein, and more!
When eating lean meats such as polutry one serving size is compared to a deck of cards.
The serving size of raw vegetables would be about the size of a baseball.
MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are essential for a healthy and nutritious diet and depicts a picture of a place setting for a meal.
Nutrients found on the top section of the food label, such as fats, cholesterol, and sodium, should not have high percentages of recommended daily value for the product to be considered a healthy food choice.
A nutrition label contains the elements of Serving information, calories, nutrients, and daily value %.
Is the ammount of daily energy expended by humans and other animals at rest. The release and using, of energy in this state is sufficient only for the functionoing of the vital organs, the heart, lungs, nervous systems, kidneys, liver, intestine, sex organs, muscles, and skin. Lean tissue in men and women requires approximately 16 calories per pound per day.
The ammount of energy your body gets from food is measured in.
1. Balance the ammount of energy in food with the ammount of energy your body uses.
2. Be aware that controlling body fat is more important to health that controlling body weight.
3. Keep in mind that all calories add up in the same way, no matter what their source.